余命三年時事日記 ミラーサイト
2016-02-24 16:09 最新コメント:2016-03-04 03:23 0 comments

473 クミトービン殿からの返信  (3)


クミ ト∸ビン
466 全国朝鮮人学校補助金制度、回答が3件届きましたが、朝鮮学校には補助金出していなくても、生徒各自に出すような姑息な手を使ってる県や市が少なくない様ですので鵜呑みにできません。

No. 9
東京都知事・舛添 要一(ますぞえ よういち)氏、都民の声総合窓口
東京都生活文化局私学部調整担当課長 各務 豊

愛知県知事・大村 秀章(おおむら ひであき)氏、政策企画局・広報公聴課
平成28年2年22日  愛媛県広報広聴課

山口県知事・村岡  嗣政(むらおか  つぐまさ)氏、知事への提言
山口県総務部学事文書課 TEL 083-933-2138
大阪朝鮮学校元校長、日本人拉致実行犯の金吉旭(Kim Gil Uk)のことが2006年に英語で紹介されてます。
余命翁様、余命サポーターの皆様、花菱様、ミラーサイト様、LA 郊外より応援しています。お身体ご自愛下さいませ。

クミ ト∸ビン
466 全国朝鮮人学校補助金制度、回答が1件届きました。

北海道知事・高橋 はるみ氏、道政に関する相談・苦情・提案・照会・窓口
余命翁様、余命サポーターの皆様、花菱様、ミラーサイト様、LA 郊外より応援しています。お身体ご自愛下さいませ。


The following indicates that comfort women made much money in the battlefields;

In “The song of Rabaul, Last words of women that lived in the wartime” by Kaisyobou Press published in 1979, for example, a Japanese comfort woman named Yae Takayasu who worked at Red-light district of Yoshiwara for 10 years looked back on her life, and said,“If you go to a battlefield, you can make10 times of money. After making enough money, I’ ll be back to Japan, and will open a shop….so I thought, and went to Rabaul. It was so easy for me to earn 200yen or 300yen at a night, as I limited the time to 5minutes per one person”.

更に、『文玉珠 ビルマ戦線楯師団の「慰安婦」だった私』 梨の木舎から1996年出版の本がある。本の中で韓国人慰安婦の文玉珠は、森田万智子のインタビューに以下のように言っている。
Also, there is a book titled,“Myself as a comfort woman for Tate Division deployed in the Burma Theater”by Mun Oku-chu, published by Nashinoki-sya publishing company. In the book, Machiko Morita interviewed a Korean comfort woman named文玉珠, and 文玉珠 said as follows;

An experience in Mandalay of Burma
Page 63
The soldiers and we had the same thoughts, that is, we must work hard for the emperor giving up their wives, children and even lives. I did my best to solace them by having conversation with them to ease up their mental burden very diligently based on understanding of their minds.

Page 68
I prayed for safety of Ichiro Yamada. After two or three months, the troop unit to which Yamada belonged returned from the front. Yamada returned in good health. He immediately came to the comfort house. He said “I, private first class soldier Yamada, have just come back from the front”.
Yamada gave a salute to me. We hugged in full of joy. Such a day was so special that the commanding officer Matsumoto allowed the soldiers to enjoy themselves, so the comfort house was full of excitement and the work became inactive. And we, comfort women, contributed 1 yen per woman to hold a big party.

Page 75
I saved up the tip amounting to considerable amount of money. (Snip) I asked a clerical staff whether or not I could have a saving account and put the money in the account. His reply was positive. I had known that all the soldiers put their earnings in the saving accounts in the field post office and I decided to put the money in the savings account. I asked a soldier to make a personal seal and put 500 yen in the account. I got my savings passbook and found 500 yen written on the passbook. I became the owner of the savings passbook for the first time in my life. I worked in Teague as a nanny and a street seller from the childhood but I could not rid of poverty even if I worked very hard. I could not believe that I could have so much money in the savings account. A small house in Teague costs 1,000 yen. I could let my mother have an easy life. I was very happy with joy and pride.
The savings passbook became my treasure.

Reminiscence of Akyab, an island near to India
Page 98
Ichiro Yamada should have come once a week and I used to be in a great mood in that day from the morning. On the contrary, when he had to work on a scheduled holiday when an emergency happened, I was so much concerned wondering if something happened or he was killed by the enemy that I could not begin the job. I got anxious about him so often as it is difficult to remember how often.

わたしはここラングーンでもすぐに売れっ子になった。将校の数も前線とはくらべものにならないくらい多かったので、宴会にたびたび呼ばれた。チップがもらえるのが楽しみで、わたしは喜んでうたいにいったものだ。In Rangoon)
Page 106~107
I could have more freedom in Rangoon compared with the past time. Of course, not completely free but I could go out once a week or twice a month with permission. It was fun to go shopping by rickshaw.
(Nips) I cannot forget the experience of shopping in a market in Rangoon. (Nips) There were jewelry shops. As Burma produced much jewels, ruby and jade were not expensive. One of my friends collected much jewels. I thought I had better have a jewel and went and bought a diamond.
Page 107
I went out to see Japanese movies and Kabuki play of which players came from the mainland of Japan. It was uncommon for me to see the players putting on many costumes and the male players portraying women’s role.
I became a popular woman in Rangoon too. The numbers of officers were much more than those near the front, so, I was often invited to parties. I was delighted with invitation to parties where I sang songs expecting much tips.

In Saigon
Page 115~118
It took two months to get permission to return home. (Nips) It was decided to go to Saigon via Thailand. The ship was to depart from Saigon. (Nips) Then Tsubame said “I had a nightmare in the morning about my mother vomiting up blood. I am afraid that something unlucky will happen, so I will not return to Korea.” Hiroko, Kifa and Hifumi agreed with Tsubame saying “I will not return too.” (Nips) We had to go back once the permission to return to the home country is issued. It was an order. Only remaining way for someone who didn’t like to return was to run away.

Page 120
When I went to a cabaret where Japanese military men had often visited, some navy pilots were there (Nips) some of them asked me “why do you still stay here? I replied “I still stay here because I don’t want to go back and want to return to Rangoon.” I asked them “How can I get the certificate and can you help me?” They replied “We cannot do it but the headquarters may be able to issue the certificate. We can introduce you to the headquarters. Would you enjoy yourself here for a while?” The pilots gave a dinner for me.

Page 121
I put on a pair of high heel shoes and a green raincoat and carried an alligator leather handbag. I swaggered about in a fashionable dress. No one could guess that I was a comfort woman. It is my happy memory and I felt pride.

In Rangoon
Page 123
Rangoon was a big and beautiful city as expected. A military person came on bicycle and asked me “Hi! Yoshiko can you ride a bicycle?” I replied “No, I can’t.” He asked “Would you like to learn the riding?” I decided to learn with pleasure. (Nips) I rode it smoothly through the town of Rangoon. I didn’t see any woman on bicycle. Passersby on the street looked back on me. It was fun for me to go to the town of Rangoon. I talked with people in Burmese, Japanese and Korean. I didn’t experience any difficulty in conversation for shopping.

Page 126
I killed a non-commissioned officer who had drunken and tried to put me to the sword.
(Nips) I won acquittal as legitimate self-defense and many military men were pleased with the court decision of innocence.

Page 137
I sent money to my mother when I was in a hospital in Ayutthaya. I draw down 5,000 yen from the saving account and send that much money. When I asked a soldier in charge of the money transfer the transfer of money, he recommended me to transfer the total amount if I had more in the account. I didn’t transfer more replying to him that I decided not to transfer more and would transfer it when I go back to Korea. Afterwards, she said that she still had 6,000 yen in the account. (The Fukunichi dated Mar. 31, 1992)

文玉珠lost her savings passbook in the mess of defeat. Later, she visited the post office in Japan, and the original register of her savings was found.
Balance account was 26145 yen, and she brought a suit against Japan, and claimed for refund of the postal savings in the wartime. But her postal savings expired in 1965, so she lost the suit. The value of the then 26145yen is about 100 million yen now!

  1. カミカゼじゃあのさん「民主党・菅直人元総理、国際的にもテログループとしてマークされている組織と交流があるようですね?」#先生質問です


  2. >用心(一応)
    1 今年の三月は、日本では、法律の施行などで新たな展開が期待できそうな感じですが、韓国では、三月一日は三一節という祝日だそうです。



  3. 余命翁様、これからの時代を生き抜くために「余命三年時事日記」の情報は欠かせません。
    466 全国朝鮮人学校補助金制度、回答が1件届きました。

    総 第937号 平28年3月3日
    茨城県総務部総務課長 ( 公印省略 )

    茨城県知事・橋本 昌(はしもと まさる)氏、知事直轄広報広聴課県民広報


    「朝鮮学校」に対する補助は、日本の義務教育が無償であることを考慮し、義務教育に相当する初・中級部を対象に、教育環境の維持向上、保護者の経済的負担の軽減等を目的とし、昭和 56 年度から行っております。

    また、本県を除く朝鮮学校がある 26 都道府県のうち 18 道府県(平成 26 年度実績)において、本県同様の補助が行われております。

    余命翁様、余命サポーターの皆様、花菱様、ミラーサイト様、LA 郊外より応援しています。お身体ご自愛下さいませ。

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