余命三年時事日記 ミラーサイト
2016-02-18 20:05 最新コメント:2016-02-19 16:15 0 comments

461 クミトービン殿へのメッセージ⑧(8)



クミ ト∸ビン

No. 1
There were no forced Comfort Women by the Japanese military during WW II.

The story was created by people who are willing to bring down Japan’s reputation, as well as people who are willing to earn money from this rumor. Regrettably these rumors were supported by a Japanese newspaper and other media.

The Japanese military were not involved in forcing women against their will to be Comfort Women. The women applied through a prostitution broker who took advantage of because of their poverty.

The women earned large amounts of money and then sending it back to their family / country.

They lived and worked under miserable situation of war, similar situation were found during the Korean War and Vietnam War. Furthermore such environment still exists in 21st century era.

We strongly resist issuing a textbook which illustrate an untrue history of Japan to state of California. The hope is to have more people obtain the true knowledge of history.

There were no forced Comfort Women by the Japanese military during WW II. The story was created by people who are willing to bring down Japan’s reputation, as well as people who are willing to earn money from this rumor. Regrettably these rumors were supported by a Japanese newspaper and other media.and then sending it back to their family / country. They lived and worked under miserable situation of war, similar situation were found during the Korean War and Vietnam War. Furthermore such environment still exists in 21st century era.We strongly resist issuing a textbook which illustrate an untrue history of Japan to state of California. The hope is to have more people obtain the true knowledge of history.The Japanese military were not involved in forcing women against their will to be Comfort Women. The women applied through a prostitution broker who took advantage of because of their poverty. The women earned large amounts of money

South Koreans says,” Comfort women were forced into prostitution as sexual slaves by the Japanese military during the World War II”

But the Japanese government can’t find any evidence of it.

The above Korean assertion is based on only ex-comfort women’s verbal statements.

Ex-comfort women’s story doesn’t have any conclusive evidence, as every time they speak, the story differs, it’s unreliable.

On the other hand, we have the report drawn up on comfort women by U.S. Army.

If these comfort women had been victims of Japanese military, they wouldn’t have complained of not being able to care for all guests, due to a tight schedule!!

They wanted much more money, right? The details will be noted further in this document.

South Koreans says,” Comfort women were forced into prostitution as sexual slaves by the Japanese military during the World War II” But the Japanese government can’t find any evidence of it. The above Korean assertion is based on only ex-comfort women’s verbal statements. Ex-comfort women’s story doesn’t have any conclusive evidence, as every time they speak, the story differs, it’s unreliable.
On the other hand, we have the report drawn up on comfort women by U.S. Army. If these comfort women had been victims of Japanese military, they wouldn’t have complained of not being able to care for all guests, due to a tight schedule!! They wanted much more money, right? The details will be noted further in this document. 

No. 3
What was actually happened?

Many Korean women were mobilized to serve as comfort women by Korean agents connected with the brothel owners.

Some of the women were prostitutes, and some were daughters sold to those Korean agents for money by poor parents.

The inducement used by these agents was plenty of money, an opportunity to pay off the family debts, easy work, and so on.

On the basis of these false representations many women enlisted for overseas duty and were rewarded with an advance of a few hundred yen.

Many brothel owners opened their business next to military gates, because they could make more money.

The Japanese authorities punished the brutal Korean agents, accounts of which appeared in the various newspapers. 

What was actually happened? Many Korean women were mobilized to serve as comfort women by Korean agents connected with the brothel owners. Some of the women were prostitutes, and some were daughters sold to those Korean agents for money by poor parents. The inducement used by these agents was plenty of money, an opportunity to pay off the family debts, easy work, and so on. On the basis of these false representations many women enlisted for overseas duty and were rewarded with an advance of a few hundred yen. Many brothel owners opened their business next to military gates, because they could make more money. The Japanese authorities punished the brutal Korean agents, accounts of which appeared in the various newspapers.
余命翁様、余命サポーターの皆様、花菱様、LA 郊外より応援しています。お身体ご自愛下さいませ。

クミ ト∸ビン

The following is the official report by Psychological Warfare Team of OFFICE OF WAR INFORMATION Attached to U.S. Army Forces India-Burma Theater;
余命翁様、余命サポーターの皆様、花菱様、LA 郊外より応援しています。

和文末尾(三食食事付きの家政婦の月収が約13円の時代なので、慰安婦は高給取りであったことがわかる)に相当する英文(The then Japanese Housekeeper’s monthly income with a board meal was about 13 yen, so You can see that the comfort girls were highly paid.)を補筆と、
語句の修正:in a particular areas → in particular areas

語句の修正: 冒頭の第二文中「・・用を足さずに・・」とある句に相当する英語を次のように挿入。
In many situations they were not served and had to leave without finishing their job as the army was very strict about overstaying.
和文中の (中略)とされた部分に該当する英文 Usually two men from the unit for the day were stationed at the house to identify soldiers. A roving MP was also on hand to keep order. Following is the schedule used by the “Kyoei” house for the various units of the 18th Division while at Naymyo. も割愛する
語句の修正:利用券の左側に書いてあったのは料金額であるから、該当する英文の prior → price
語句の修正:兵士の所属と階級ともに確認されたのだから、該当する英文の Each soldier’s identity or rank was then established・・・→ Each soldier’s identity and rank were then established・・・

第三文(多くの「楼主」は、食料、その他の物品の代金として慰安婦たちに多額の請求をしていたため、彼女たちは生活困難に陥った。)は、引用の趣旨から逸れているので、該当する英文 Many “masters” made life very difficult for the girls by charging them high prices for food and other articles. ともども削除する。
末尾文(軍そのものの中でも、まったく同じ処置が施されたが、興味深いこととしては、兵士は入院してもその期間の給与をもらえなくなることはなかったという点が注目される。)は、引用の趣旨から逸れているので、該当する英文 This same procedure was carried on within the ranks of the Army itself, but it is interesting to note that a soldier did not lose pay during the period he was confined ともども削除する。

第三文以下(すべての慰安婦の一致した意見では、彼女たちのところへやって来る将校と兵士のなかで最も始末が悪いのは、酒に酔っていて、しかも、翌日戦前に向かうことになっている連中であった。しかし、同様に彼女たちが口を揃えて言うには、日本の軍人は、たとえどんなに酔っていても、彼女たちを相手にして軍事にかかわる事柄や秘密について話すことは決してなかった慰安婦たちが何か軍事上の事柄についての話を始めても、将校も下士官や兵士もしゃべろうとしないどころか、「そのような、女にふさわしくないことを話題にするな、といつも叱ったし、そのような事柄については丸山大佐でさえ、酒に酔っているときでも決して話さなかった)は、引用の趣旨から逸れているので、該当する英文 All the girls agreed that the worst officers and men who came to see them were those who were drunk and leaving for the front the following day. But all likewise agreed that even though very drunk the Japanese soldier never discussed military matters or secrets with them. Though the girls might start the conversation about some military matter the officer or enlisted man would not talk, but would in fact “scold us for discussing such un-lady like subjects. Even Col. Maruyama when drunk would never discuss such matters.”ともども削除する。
語句の修正:下駄を clothes とするのは疑問、よって wooden clothes. → wooden clogs とする。
語句の修正:(どう考えても)女性向きのとの意味を次のように英文に補う。 The lipstick and clothes were feminine・・・→ The lipstick and clogs were apparently feminine・・・


語句の修正:英文冒頭第一文の政府組織名 Ministry fot Gender Equality → Ministry for Gender Equality
語句の修正:英文冒頭第一文の末尾 ・・the actual number might exeed 1 million. → the actual number might exceed 1 million.
語句の修正:英文第二文の冒頭 trouth → truth

語句の修正:末尾から見て第三文の文頭 But Korea has’t apologized → But Korea hasn’t apologized
語句の修正:末尾の第一文ベトナム国名 Vietna → Vietnam

余命 様
インド・ビルマ戦域アメリカ陸軍所属のアメリカ戦時情報局心理作戦班による慰安婦に関する報告書のPRIOR SYSTEMのところで、(三食食事付きの家政婦の月収が約13円の時代なので、慰安婦は高給取りであったことがわかる)は日本語のみで英文が抜けていたので、追加修正でカッコをとって英訳を追加すると以下のようになります。
1.Soldiers 10AM to 5PM 1.50yen 20 to 30 minutes
2.NCOs 5PM to 9PM 3.00yen 30 to 40 minutes
3.Officers 9PM to12PM 5.00yen 30 to 40 minutes
The then Japanese Housekeeper’s monthly income with a board meal is about 13 yen, so You can see that the comfort girls were highly paid.

  1. ※ご多忙中のところ申し訳ありません。



    ソース:北朝鮮核施設占領訓練が、日本にだけ知られてはいけない理由:坂東忠信 太陽にほえたい!(2016/02/18)




    1.  北朝鮮の核施設は米国主導で造っているなんて噂もあるので、米国のこの手の動きは表向きと実態が同じとは限りません。なにしろ、中韓にも核施設はあるわけですから…。

  2. クミトービン 様
    ダン吉 様


  3. No1 慰安婦とはそもそも存在しない



    1. 吉野山様、

      「慰安婦というものはそもそも存在しない。」 というのは、日本語訳に誤解が生じていると思われます。英文では “There were no forced Comfort Women by the Japanese military during WW II.” となっておりますので、正しくは 「第二次世界大戦中、日本軍によって強制的に慰安婦となった者はいない」 でしょう。

  4. 米軍の北の核施設急襲の話ですが、北に協力するスパイが多いのは寧ろ韓国なんではないでしょうかね。

  5. 余命扇様、これからの時代を生き抜くために、「余命三年時事日記」の情報は欠かせません。


    No. 1
    「慰安婦というものはそもそも存在しない。」 というのは、日本語訳に誤解が生じていると思われます。


    “There were no forced Comfort Women by the Japanese military during WW II.”


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